The four “E” pillars of exercise prescription for health: The EFSMA program

J. Cummiskey, H. Lollgen, P. Zupet, M Borjesson, K. Natsis, A. Cummiskey, K. M. Stafrace, A. Debruyne, N. Bachl


What do clinicians need?

• An International Code of Disease for Exercise Deficiency Syndrome (EDS)

• Better education of our physicians on the Science and Economics of the problem

• A consensus agreement on tests for and follow up of EDS

• An understanding of all the players, especially the role in a condition that requires an individualized prescription

• Cooperation with others in the medical field interested in promoting Exercise Prescription for Health (EPH) e.g. European Alliance for the Promotion of Physical Activity (EAPPA)


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